Thursday, August 23, 2007

Eat My Ass

Normally my only reaction to Axcesticon is a roll of eyes or a snort of contempt at yet another attempt to glorify gayness. Last year's was pretty cheesy at most. This time around, my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when I logged in and was greeted by this picture. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it in a good way. Can someone point out to me what's wrong with this this picture? What they heck, I will say it anyway. If I were the guy in the middle I would be totally terrified that I have a perverted looking character peeling my pants and looking mighty pleased like as if he was about to eat my ass.

Seriously, no offence to any of the contestants, but if I found out that I am being portrayed like a pervert about to chew someone's ass I would go all out to block this image from ever seeing the light of day. Murder, if that is what it takes. It's not even pornographic. It's just plain salah.

1 comment:

Magus Young said...

Since when was Axcesticon "betul" hehehe