"A cow wearing Gucci is still a cow." - commenting on the gay obsession of wearing branded stuff.
"You buy that every month, unless of course you're using tampons..." - on getting your own pad.
"Lets say one day I decide to go back to corporate, and all I have to show is a nice body and an ability to make people sweat and grunt." - on the reason why I am not a full time instructor.
"If i hear again from my trainees that *censored* is patronising them I will kanasai belasah him with a handbag full of bricks for behaving like a queen among empresses and demand he be downgraded!" - me the overzealous protective mentor.
"I probably won't have a state to return to by the end of the day - they are going to announce secession next."- on the 'high drama' politics in Perak.
"What to eat, the daily question... can I just like, stick an IV drip in my arm?"- exciting lunch suggestion.
"Sorry, he can fit a Boeing 747 in there with space to spare."- bitchy ex remark.